Capitale Partners - EN
Rental conditions

Rental conditions

Why should you go through an agency?

By using a professional estate agent your transactions are automatically guaranteed.

CAPITALE PARTNERS, your consultant and intermediary, will show you high-class furnished properties at the right place, selected and confirmed by our staff. Go ahead and choose your new home, knowing that the agreements and leases will be clear because you were advised by an expert, who will remain at your disposal throughout your lease.

CAPITALE PARTNERS ensures the contractual balance of your rental agreement through mutual respect for each party’s rights and obligations. Legal assistance will ensure the establishment of a contract lending itself to each specific situation.

When faced with an unusual furnished rental market, be guided by our professional expertise.

Now you can consult the general conditions in our contracts :


DOCUMENTS TO BE SUPPLIED (approved documents)
Before entering the premises, the future tenant must supply the following documents:

For an individual:

- photocopy of an identity document (identity card, passport),

- photocopy of the last three pay slips justifying a monthly net income of 3 times the rental amount (for an employee) and a contract of employment or, failing that, an original certificate from the employer,

- proof of residence (EDF, telephone or other receipt),

- last 2 tax notices,

- photocopy of student card or school certificate (for a student applicant),

- photocopy of residence permit for a foreign applicant,

- photocopy of the Taxe foncière (property tax) or the local taxes if an owner,

- photocopy of the last 3 rental receipts for the previous rental,

- RIB (bank account details),

In the case of collateral security, the guarantor must supply the same documents.

For a legal entity:

- Kbis (company certificate of incorporation),
- last 3 balance sheets (tax return),
- identification document of the legal representative and the future occupant.


The "Peace of mind pack” includes flat-rate transaction fees, costs for preparing documents, visits to the property and installation support.

. For furnished rentals, in compliance with the Alur Law and Decree no. 2014-890 of 1st August 2014, the fees are based on the duration of the rental and the type of lease depending on the tenant profile.

under 1 year’s rental: 1 month’s rent plus VAT 20%, paid by the tenant, with readjustment fee agreement in the case where the lease would be extended;

1 year’s rental and above: for a lease to a legal entity, or an individual by way of a second home or as part of his employment package: 12% of the annual rent + VAT 20%, paid by the tenant;

1 year’s rental and above, after strict examination of the file: for a lease to an individual by way of his main residence: € 15/sqm including VAT 20%, i.e. € 12/sqm for the visit, creation of the tenant’s file and preparation of the lease, and € 3/sqm including VAT 20% for carrying out the check-in inventory;

For unfurnished rentals: in compliance with Article 5 of the Law of 6th July 1989 and Decree no. 2014-890 of 1st August 2014, the fees payable by the tenant are € 15/sqm including VAT 20%, i.e. € 12/sqm including VAT 20 % for the visit, creation of the tenant’s file and preparation of the lease, and € 3/sqm including VAT 20% for carrying out the check-in inventory.

For a lease in favor of a legal entity, for furnished or unfurnished rentals: 12% of the annual rent (building charges excluded) + VAT 20%, to be paid by the tenant.


In addition to the rent, the tenant is liable for certain costs related to the use of the leased premises:

Rental charges (Decree no. 87-713 of 26/08/1987): Recoverable by the landlord, these are basically the costs for the communal facilities and the common areas used by tenant:

- lift (costs of electricity, operation, routine maintenance)

- cold water

- communal heating and hot water: (power, operation and routine maintenance, minor repairs)

- electricity for the common areas (consumables and routine maintenance)

- maintenance of the common areas and cleanliness

- outside spaces (roads, parking areas, green spaces, playgrounds, ponds): electricity, cutting back plants, weeding, tidying, watering

- hygiene and cleaning products

- mechanical ventilation and ventilation ducts (maintenance, visits other than statutory checks).

In addition, la Taxe d'enlèvement des ordures ménagères (the tax on the removal of household waste), as indicated on the annual Taxe foncière (property tax), and the Taxe communale de balayage (local authority road-sweeping tax) can be lawfully claimed by the landlord; they are added to the recoverable costs for the building.

Taxe d'habitation:
which corresponds in UK to the Council tax, in the USA to the Occupancy tax. The tenant who has been in the propertyon the 1st January is liable for the entire sum. However, in certain cases, and following an agreement between the two parties, a pro rata is requested corresponding to the length of the rental. This tax may also be payable after the rental period.

To take out a multirisk household insurance policy:
The annual cost of this policy will depend on the size and furnishings of the property. In France you are obliged to subscribe to such a policy, failing this, the lease could be terminated.

these are always payable by the tenant or the occupant. They may include electricity, gas, telephone, internet, cable TV and other services. Thanks to Peace of Mind Pack, CAPITALE PARTNERS can transfer these utilities to your name.

Maintenance contracts for individual boilers:
The tenant is obliged by law to take out an annual maintenance contract for a gas boiler, at his own expense.

Final cleaning: the tenant must leave the property in perfect condition. At the end of his lease, the tenant will have the opportunity of using a cleaning service provided by CAPITALE PARTNERS according to a pre-agreed fixed price deal.